• “不忘初心,坚守祖训。”以古法炮制达人济世,百橘源情怀深入骨髓,历代百橘源传人坚守”采收炮制务求真品,饮食强身必求健康“的传统祖训,甄选上好橘红,以传承古法工艺,全方位专注打造高品质化州橘红饮品。




    Do not forget the original intention and stick to the ancestral precepts. " The feelings of baijuyuan are deeply rooted in the bone marrow. Generations of baijuyuan adheres to the traditional ancestral motto of "harvesting and processing for genuine products, nourishing and strengthening for health", selects good medicinal materials, inherits ancient crafts, and focuses on creating high quality orange drinks.